Navigating the Unfamiliar


The Lord says, “I will guide you along the best pathway for your life.
I will advise you and watch over you." 
Psalm 32:8

A while back I was invited to attend a wedding up in the Yorkshire Dales – a great place, for sure. But I had never been there, or round that way before. So I set up my phone navigation app, I inputted the desired destination and set off with confidence. But even though I trusted my phone and listened to it, I still may have missed a turning or two!

In this time of progressing through lockdown, of which some of us have become accustomed to, there is still plenty that is unknown and unfamiliar. I take great encouragement that like my navigation app, Jesus always knows where we are, He knows our destination and He knows best how to get us there.

And even if we make a wrong turn along our faith journey and have to take a detour, if we humble ourselves and continue to trust and listen to Jesus He will lovingly redirect us back on route.

David Dodwell
Central Watford location leader


Cascading Light


Ten Years Later