Lesson 6 - Faith in strong?

JULY 2023

A few years ago on a two-day silent retreat, I was praying and reflecting on the future vision of Wellspring Church…

The culmination of a precious time with God that summer was a simple vision that was more about the kind of people we would become rather than the territory taken through strategic activities and programmes: 

We are becoming ‘strong in faith, deep in prayer, and bold in witness.’

On becoming ‘strong in faith’ a probing lesson continues…

This summer we continue to clamber up a path of extreme uncertainty regarding Helen's health. I can’t remember a time when my faith has been more rigorously tested. Many people have commented that we have exhibited ‘strong’ faith. A laudable compliment perhaps, but along with it comes a pressure to be strong, to demonstrate strength. We Pentecostals love that, full of ‘resurrection power’.

 It could even be said sometimes we just have faith in ‘strong’.

In a recent catch-up with our next Senior Minister David Dodwell, we agreed to resist the pretence of ‘leadership strength’. We too often want and expect our leaders to be continuously demonstrating strength; to never wobble, display fortitude, live continuously reassured. Too easily we place our confidence in the strength of others rather than the true focus of our faith: the crucified Christ. Behold Jesus… weakness on display, humiliated on a rubbish tip outside Jerusalem… brokenness is our proclamation today, en route to resurrection forever.

One thing is crystal clear: I am weak. I shake off the desire to prove any strength to others, lest anyone’s trust be in my ability to navigate through this tempest. Jesus is the Captain. We’re the passengers being thrown around the deck as waves crash in.

 Today Helen and I are clinging on to the hem of Jesus’ robe, on our knees with hearts yielding to His higher ways, so aware of our lack of strength.

 Paul described ‘treasure in clay jars’:

 “This makes it clear that our great power is from God, not from ourselves. We are pressed on every side by troubles, but we are not crushed. We are perplexed, but not driven to despair. We are hunted down, but never abandoned by God. We get knocked down, but we are not destroyed. Through suffering, our bodies continue to share in the death of Jesus so that the life of Jesus may also be seen in our bodies.” (2 Corinthians 4:7-10, NLT)

 Hunted down, perplexed, suffering, and being knocked down – not great headlines for a job advert. But this is the way of Christ.

The lesson?
We must not put our faith in strong, but we will grow in faith if we admit our weakness and need for Christ’s strength on the daily.

The prayer?
Patient God, our strength and foundation, we put our trust in you. We are weak, but we know in your strength we can have faith that moves mountains. Fill us again with your resurrection Spirit in such a way as only You could ever get the glory. Amen


Lesson 7 - Thank you…


Lesson 5 - This is temporary…